Meeting was held March 5th, 2009 at the Noblesville Elks Club. President Warren Sears And Sec/Tres. Tom Oaks presided
over the meeting. Warren opened the meeting for old business, with none to discuss. We moved to recognizing potential new members, two were in attendance, referred by Gary Blackledge.
A lot of discussion was carried out on the floor about the term of officers, some thought they were to serve two years and have new
Elections, others felt one year and rotate was best. It was finally decided to keep same officers and have new elections after the final
Men club event.Ev kellum said the old by-laws stated that the sec/tres was elected each year then moved to the President position.
A committee was formed to go over the by-laws and revise them. The committee (K.Scott,K. Nash& G.Shrock).
The Men’s Club balance $970.47 at end of year. We will still have The Billy Elder Scholarship payout of $1000.00 this year, Alan
Presented the guidelines, and we will donate $500.00 to the Bryce Mitchell tournament fund this year.
Some discussion about the turn out for the meeting.K.Scott felt that mailings should be sent to all members along with E-mails. This is how it used to be done. A.Hines suggested a bulletin in the local newspaper. All of these ideas will be considered for next years meeting.
Tournament formats will be reviewed by new tournament committee (M.Miller,A.Hines & C.Dye). The Club Championship will still have a mandatory 1st round on Sat. August 15th, but the pairings will be posted a week prior so anyone not able to play that day will at least have a chance to arrange their match prior to the 15th. The Dillon will be played as usual but the 3rd nine will be played
On the West course, motion by G. Shrock, 2nd by J. Kennedy, passed.
We discussed lowering membership dues to $75.00 and pay for each tournament again. Some for, most against. It was decided to leave it the same for this year and see how the economy affected the number of members we keep.
Pro J. Mohler said the Assistant was released due to budget cuts needed. Play was down 10% last year. The Pro shop will still post Wed. & Fri. Scores and also Tournament scores. Brandon did a lot of work for the Men’s club, so pay outs i.e. skins, low gross, low net, side bets may be payed next day for some tournaments. We may ask for volunteers to help with this task.
Supertendent K. Brisco said a few trees were removed because of damage and most were replaced with new plantings last year. Crystals for lasers are in place on the driving range and key locations on the course. More may be placed as requested by members. He said the course wintered well. They have already mowed greens, tees,& collars, with fairways to be mowed this week. He has had to cut hours for maintenance workers but said this shouldn’t hurt the condition of the course.
Thanks to all who attended. Lets hope for a great year, lots of good golf, fun and companionship.
Tom E. Oaks-Sec./Tres.
Warren Sears-President